LIPF Festival
Legacy Arts and Film Lab founded the Lake International PanAfrican Film Festival(LIPFF) in 2016, due to the gap in Festivals for Films in African Languages
Lake International Pan-African Film Festival 7TH Edition LIPFF
2nd to 5th November 2022
FESTIVAL THEME: Film for Peace

Lake International PanAfrican Film Festival 2021 was open to submissions in any African Languages with English Subtitles made in Africa.
The festival accepted feature films, student feature films, short films, documentaries and animation films. It does not accept TV/web Series. LIPFF 2021 introduced a minimal submission fee specifically to help sieve the professional filmmakers. This helped reduce the bulk of films and sieve quality films into the Festival. LIPFF 2017-2020 has in the past attracted over 2000 entries from all over the Globe with at least half of the submissions from Africa, and at least 50 from Kenya. The year 2020 and 2021 have been very challenging years. The COVID 19 pandemic brought about by the novel Corona virus saw the government institute curfews and lockdowns in a bid to curtail the virus. This greatly affected the artistic space. In a bid to conform to set government directives of no public gatherings, LIPFF held most of its festival activities online. Despite the changes and challenges, LIPFF witnessed a large number of people access the various activities online. LIPFF wishes to thank everyone who stood with us in this journey.
Of these, 15 African countries made it to the nominees list i.e. South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Senegal, Morocco, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Zambia, Algeria, Egypt, Rwanda, Tunisia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. We had physical representation from South Africa even as travel between countries was greatly hampered by the COVID 19 pandemic.
The festival will have 7 main activities: film screenings, film workshops, panel discussions, thematic open forums, student short film challenge, exhibitions and the Gala Awards Ceremony.
a.) Film Screenings:
There will be three (3) days of public film screenings in Nakuru County. The screenings will be free and open to all audiences in attendance. We will have 3 screening venues, for the public, for students in higher learning and for children at an agreed venue. The screening for children are specific for young children below the age of 13. This is to help create a cinema culture in the children by enabling them to watch their age appropriate films.
b.) Film Workshop:
There will be at least 2 film workshops, during the 3 days. Each workshop will have a limited number of participants who must pre-register for the workshop. It is our wish to have a film produced post Festival and be shown the following year, if we get funding for the same. This will help in ensuring a more practical evaluation approach towards the Festival workshops. The workshops will be on:
1.Film Financing - fund raising, grant writing, pitching, management, taxes, revenue & profits.
2.Production Design – this will include Set design, props management, film colour codes etc.
3.Kids Film Acting Workshop – This will be in collaboration with the Nakuru Kids Club at Hyrax Hill Museum.
c.) Panel Discussion:
There will be 3 panel discussions with local and international stakeholders in the film industry as panelists. The panelists will be selected from the government agencies, civil society, private companies, film organizations and independent film makers. The panel discussions will be held physically but will also be streamed virtually for the wider audience.
2nd November 2022 “The state of the film industry post COVID 19”
(Government and Industry Stakeholders)
3rd November 2022 “Financing for the Film Sector”
(Financial and other relevant Institutions)
4th November 2022 “Film as a tool for peace”
(Industry Stakeholders)
4th November 2022 “Monetizing Digital Content”
(Students and Youth)
d.) Open Forums:
This is a forum where a stakeholder or sponsor who is interested in sharing their work, initiatives and collaboration avenues, gets to have a session to share with the filmmakers/audience on what they do so as to be able to initiate personalized dialogue and projects. It is a daily session where every speaker gets 30minutes of sharing and Q&A with the audience. This session will be both virtual and physical.
e.) Gala Awards:
The Gala Awards will take place on the evening of Saturday 5th November 2022 in Nakuru on an invite only red carpet event. This will also be streamed online. The winners and best films will be awarded at this event.
f.) Student Short Film Challenge:
We shall have a Student’s phone film challenge launched in July, with submissions closing by end of September to allow for nominations and voting by audience. This shall be for short Films only, and the participating students must be registered in their respective institutions. The theme for this year’s challenge is Filamu na Amani!
g.) Excursions
This year, we shall have an online physical and online excursion experiences, sharing the films of our National Parks. We shall also have discounted rates for those who would love to visit the Nairobi National Park and the Nakuru National Park (Of course while observing the government procedures on COVID-19 Pandemic.)

We believe that African stories need to be told in African Languages as authentic as can be. The Festival has various activities from film screenings, workshops, panel discussions, Open forums, local tourism and the Gala Awards Ceremony.

The Lake International PanAfrican Film Festival(LIPFF)
The annual Lake International PanAfrican Film Festival (LIPFF) is a film festival that aims at bringing filmmakers together and opening up the region to reap the benefits of tourism, intellectual and cultural exchange, while increasing the African cinematic experience by taking African language films to the people. The Festival is hosted by Legacy Arts and Film Lab (K) Ltd. Festival Director is Dr. Zippora Okoth and Festival Coordinator Ms Suki Wanza. Below are the objectives of the festivals:
- To sensitize film makers on film and entrepreneurship and collaboration.
- To take African Cinematic experience to all around Kenya and the world
- To empower the youth on the power of film for social change.
- To create a market linkage for filmmakers and the larger market for film i.e. Distributers (online, mobile, TV and local retail market) and consumers/viewers

Call for Workshop
The 6th Edition of the Lake International PanAfrican Film Festival


Founder of Two Point Five Media Ltd
She is an independent Filmmaker, Founder of Two Point Five Media Ltd and a KandaFlix Ltd. a film streaming and distribution company. Pioneer actress/ content creator/ artistic director for a long running TV comedy, producer/ screenplay writer/ director with a few projects under her production, a lover of films in local dialects to which she has directed/ written and produced to mention but a few Angels of Nyalenda, Khumatemo current projects feature films -luhya film Isiiro and luo film Tipo. She has worked in various organizations as a consultant, Film Aid Kenya (Kakuma and Dadaab), Khanga Rue Media in partnership with Princeton University, SlumFilm, project Elimuand Kulcyk foundation and Tvn Poland. Creative coordinator One Billion Rising, Msichana Empowerment Kuria, Rona Foundation and Lean on Me Foundation. She is a two-time nominee for Best Scriptwriter (WIFA), Best Scriptwriter Kenya and Best Film on Social Change (LIPFF 2018), nominee CAMIFF 2018, directing and marketing distribution workshop alumni LIPFF and nominee Rwanda International Film Awards 2020 to name a few.

Founder of Two Point Five Media Ltd
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Director/ Writer/ Producer
Janet Chumbe is a Director, Writer and Producer based in Mombasa, Kenya. Janet has several TV drama credits, aired both in Kenya and across Africa. Some notable TV shows that she has directed and (or) written are: SANURA (currently ongoing), PETE (more than 700 episodes), THE KALIMANI DYNASTY (26 episodes), KAIDI (26 episodes), and GAME of WITS (13 episodes). She is an ardent filmmaker with short films some of which are on IMDB, her latest one "THE MAN FROM THE PAINTING " among other uncredited works. Having studied Criminology at the University of Nairobi, Janet is passionate about telling African Fiction and Crime stories.

Director/ Writer/ Producer
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Media Specialist
Media Specialist with experience spanning over a decade. Lucy turned her passion for TV & Media into a career in Content Acquisition, Distribution and Production. She has created award-winning channels for PayTV and now helps content creators showcase their work in front of investors, broadcasters, and fellow industry players worldwide through her expertise in content distribution. She's overseen the content acquisition and sales for various companies in Africa, Asia, and Europe such as Wananchi Group, Cote Ouest Audiovisuel, Discovery Learning Alliance and the Dubai International Content Market, The NGO International Film Festival among others. She is also a Media Events Curator and has trained hundreds of filmmakers in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia on film marketing and distribution. Currently working at Ubongo International as a Broadcast Manager, she oversees the distribution of their content globally. Her aspiration is to make the beautiful stories of Africa reach every corner of the world.

Media Specialist
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Executive Director of Native Voices International
A Documentary Filmmaker / Journalist with over twenty years hands on experience in the Media, Arts, Cultural sector. Currently the Executive Director of Native Voices International a Media Arts organisation that seeks to apply media particularly film in challenging communities to the charge of their self determination as well as bridging the high unemployment challenge that Uganda is experiencing, through providing multi media skills to potential practitioners particularly rural based, which has seen over two hundred aspiring filmmakers, majority of whom are youth trained in the regions of Karamoja, Rwenzori, Kigezi, West Nile and Kampala. Sarah is also the Chief Production Executive of Native TV an Independent audio - visual production house focused on telling stories from a local perspective and founder Celebrating Womanhood Festival an annual five-day event held during the International Women’s Day Celebration week. It is purposed to provide a platform where women’s stories are told from a woman's perspective. This saw her earn the 2019 Women in Film Diamond Honoré from the Nile Diaspora International Film Festival (NDIFF) in recognition of her efforts to amplify women’s voices. Sarah's interventions are thanks to the lifting she has also received including the American government’s State Research Bureau - Irex Community Solutions fellowship in 2012, The Arterial Network Winter school in Cameroon 2009 and Robert Flaherty Fellowship at Colgate University in 2011. A strong believer in the power of networks, Sarah is the Board Chairperson Afrika Arts Kollective, Vice Chairperson Alliance for Campaign Finance Monitoring (ACFIM) an umbrella body with sixteen member organizations across Uganda and a Board Member Kuoyensha Art Fund an initiative that seeks to enable artists with great initiatives hindered by funding limitations to bring to life their productions. Sarah’s collaboration efforts extend to the region and continent where she has represented East Africa to the Africa continent wide Arterial Network Steering Committee 2009 – 2011, as well as Chaired the East African Filmmakers Forum 2007 – 2009. She has also served on several Artistic and Cultural Boards including Bayimba Cultural Foundation’s DOA. She studied Democracy and Development at Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communication from St. Laurence University, a Diploma in Journalism and many other certifications earned from the different filmmaking, journalism and cultural management trainings.

Executive Director of Native Voices International
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Director, Writer and Producer
Janet Chumbe is a Director, Writer and Producer based in Mombasa, Kenya. Janet has several TV Drama credits, aired both in Kenya and across Africa. Some notable Tv shows that she has Directed and (or) Written are: PETE, more than 700 episodes and still ongoing, THE KALIMANI DYNASTY, 26 episodes, KAIDI,26 episodes and GAME of WITS,13 episodes. She is an ardent filmmaker with short films some of which are on IMDB, her latest one "THE MAN FROM THE PAINTING " among others uncredited. Having studied Criminology at the University of Nairobi, Janet is passionate about telling African Fiction and Crime stories.

Director, Writer and Producer
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Award-winning filmmaker, 3D Animator and Game Developer
Andrew is a Kenyan award-winning filmmaker, 3D Animator and Game Developer. He is not only a self-taught game developer, but under his belt is Kenya’s first 3D first person shooter and multi-player video game, Nairobi X. A first of its kind, not only in Kenya but also in Africa, Nairobi X boasts stunning visuals in 3D, depicting real-life buildings in the city. He has worked as an animation lecturer at the Nairobi Institute of Technology as well as a digital animator for XYZ show.

Award-winning filmmaker, 3D Animator and Game Developer
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Producer/ Director/ Writer
Reuben Odanga, enjoys storytelling, he thrives in creating and directing content that resonates with audiences. A passionate filmmaker with over fifteen years’ practical experience in the Kenyan TV industry. He has produced and directed Kalasha award winning 2018 and 2019 TV commissioned Swahili Telenovela Selina, for MNET’s, Maisha Magic East. He has also produced and directed another Kalasha award winning best TV drama 2014, Saida, Nira, Nuru and currently producing the upcoming telenovela for StarTimes- KIU. In the recent years Mr. Odanga has produced two feature films, NAFSI and A Familiar Christmas.He is the founder and creative director at Multan production limited, a TV and film production company that has been existence since the year 2009. He is an imaginative, inspiring creative at heart, who believes that there is nothing impossible in film and believes in bringing out the best in a team while being a leader, an expansive thinker and a formidable team player.

Producer/ Director/ Writer
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Writer, director and producer
Ngobia is a writer, director and producer and has produced feature films, short films and documentaries, mainly working with schools in the Kenya National Drama and Film Festival. He brings on board wealth of experience in the creative sector, having undertaken artistic projects in producing TV shows, executing theatrical shows and tours, initiating film and talent development programs in Kenyan schools to complement government efforts in teaching of the arts at basic education level. He is a resource person for various Ministry of Education agencies, such as KICD and TVETA, where he has supported the curriculum development processes in the arts, and the Kenya National Drama and Film Festival, where he is a regular trainer of trainers and adjudicator.Currently, he is the chairman of the Department of Performing Arts, Film and Media Studies at KCA University, where he facilitates learning in film and digital media. He is also the founder and convenor of the Kenya Film Summit.

Writer, director and producer
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589

Creative Director/ Animator/ Digital Artist
Born in 1993 in Embu, Kenya – Jake was later bred in Nairobi, where he studied at Shang Tao Media arts College and later did his degree in Kenyatta University. He is a wizard of storytelling and through his unique and compelling style he has captured various audiences locally and internationally.His animated productions have been commissioned by Government institutions such as EACC, banks such as I&M Bank and International Organization like UNESCO to educate and inform their audiences. Jake is now focusing both on short film making and directing commercials and commissioned work.

Creative Director/ Animator/ Digital Artist
- Phone:+1 (859) 254-6589
It has been 5 years since we held our first Festival and we have given out more than 150 awards.
All the events are free to attend except for the workshop which one has to register in advance, at no fee, and the gala awards ceremony which is an invite only event. The LIPFF Festival takes place every first week of November from Wednesday to Saturday in Kenya.
Our Experience
In 2020 due to the Pandemic, we had an online Festival which was highly attended online on our Facebook and Youtube Pages @LIPFFESTIVAL.
As we move into the next years, we plan to have a blended Festival with activities both online and physical attendance. As we move into the 6th edition, we plan to make LIPFF the Festival of Choice of African Language Films. For more info on the festival check our social media pages. Application for LIPFF 2021 is ongoing. Click the butto below to apply
We received over 1000 of entries all over Africa for the film festival.
The festival was help at Nakuru Player Centre and the attendance was amazing with entries from 10 different countries including Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Ethiopia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Burkina Faso, and Cameroon.
What People Say
LIPFF is well known for the best film festival in Africa. It is the pride of our continent.
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